About Us
Ten years ago, we saw untapped potential in a granule of fertiliser that could make farming in New Zealand more sustainable, more profitable and create better livelihoods for farmers.
If we could control the nutrient release from nitrogen fertilisers and it could economically be used in pastoral and crop farming this would drastically reduce the environmental damage being caused by nitrate leaching and losses through CO2-e emissions.
This addresses a problem that is facing farmers today. To maximise crop production, farmers are applying excessive amounts of nitrogen fertiliser as urea. This unbridled use of urea has increase from 50,000 tonnes in 1990 to 814,000 tonnes 2018, has driven a rapid rise in CO2-e emissions and created nitrate-laden waterways.
With farm-gate profitability under pressure, anxiety from government-imposed nitrogen restrictions, and the constant need to apply urea at sub-optimum times to maintain production, the economics of farming and the farmers’ wellbeing is compromised.
Our challenge was to understand needs of the modern-day farmer and combine existing knowledge of plant growth with control release technology to deliver a viable product proposition.
Supported by scientific research, we commercialised an initial product offering. From this development, we established channels to market and achieved profitable trading through product sales to farmers. Eko360 is proud to stand out as the world leader in control release fertiliser technology for pastoral and crop farming.